Heat of Office Romance

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Young Or Old

I'm recently in the market looking for someone to love. I have this problem in making a certain decision. I've narrowed down my choices into two types of lovers. Remember, I'm a guy. I'm looking to starting a relationship either with someone younger or older than me.

Here are the parameters. If I go with someone younger than me, I'll have the upper hand in the relationship. I will be the dominant one. I'll be making most of the decisions, thus, I'll be having more responsibility. Here are some of the consequences. I might be too narrow minded because I'll be used to being in control of the environment. I might overlook my partner's opinions and feelings since I'll just think she's too young, anyway.

On the other hand, here's the result if I decide to go with someone older. I might grow too insecure of my role in the relationship. I won't be the one calling the shots. My partner might be too demanding and/or controlling, thus I won't have a say in any matter. The advantages on the other hand - There will be less responsibility for me. Also, you know what they say about women with experience. *wink wink*

If you look at everything from a romantic's point of view, age doesn't matter. As long as you're both in love, go for it. Love doesn't have logic or a particular way of thinking. Love behaves randomly and is purely subjective to feeling.

As for me, I haven't felt being in love for a long time. So I tend to analyse and weigh all the parameters before getting into a relationship. I know that it's not right, but I've been hurt to much to take any more risks.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Making Work Romances Work

"Beware of office romances!" They can warn us until they're blue in the face, and yet still there that special someone is-- so cute, so nice, such chemistry! It could be love of our lives, or at at least the romance of our time. We don't want to say no, we never say no! But are we at grave risk of one day getting fired, sued or both? Sure there are no guarantees, but here are few ways to maxmise chances of enjoying a workplace romance and surviving as I did to tell the tale.

Honesty is still the best policy.

Are you looking for just a quick fling? Then don't make long-term-relationship noises in your efforts to seduce. That candour is may be important, but especially so in the workplace. If you suggest a possible future "I Do", and then after a hot date or two suddenly cool off, and worst start flirting with another officemate, you must be asking for a big reprisals. Always be honest to your prospective partner, remember "Hell hath no fury than that of a woman's (or man's) scorned."

Affair with the Boss? Think Twice...

In most case, having relationship with the bos is strictly forbidden, but even if it is permissible, BEWARE. You might want to get out of it later on and he might retaliate. How? The boss always has an endless opportunites of torturing you...you may start the list and let me end it with you looking for a new job. Now, that is the not so good side of it. But sometimes a relationship with a boss can yield some privileges. Yes, you hear it right! So you decide now, how do you take your steps?

Relationship with Subordinates? Think Well

This is extremely dangerous even if the relationship is working well. You might be off your mental faculties to make your sweetheart take a project which better assigned to someone else. Worst, what if you break up and your former beloved claims that you abused your power? Do I need to tell you more on what could happen after?

Keep It Quiet.

Sure, sure, being in love makes it so tempting to tell everyone about it. Wrong. This makes the two of you under the microscope and subject to some myopic eyes. The pressure is higher when the two of your are peers. Helping the love of you life out with work may cause someone to go to the boss and complain about it because you didn't help them instead. Chemistry between you and your lovers may be known to all but chances are many co-workers are wrapped up with themselves that they will never consider this as a reason. Telling just one person in the office about your relationship will make it known to the whole office within hours. And it only takes one disgruntled co-worker to make both of your lives miserable. Until it's time to send the wedding invitations, keep the relationship to yourselves.

Enjoy and Have Fun

Workplace is a pretty good place to meet a romantic partner. Unlike bars where you get to pick mainly in impulse and alcohol-impaired chat, on the office you get to see more of what the person is really like. So you're more likely to find your valentine at the office water cooler than a barstool.

Just try to stay within these five rules to lessen the risk and then concentrate on getting the fun. Being in love is a wonderful thing, take it from me! I had an office romance and had live to tell the tale. We're still together now...no longer officemates though!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Office Heat

Don't, in any circumstance, let your boss know about your office romances. For all you know, your boss has a secret admiration for the person you're having the romance with. Or, your boss might not like the concept of people working together boning each other. In any case, it could end up real messy. You both might find yourselves looking out for new jobs in the classified section of the newspaper. So don't take that chance.

If you're working and you get a glimpse of someone's cleavage or something, and you get a hard on, don't make it too obvious. A natural impulse would be to rush to the bathroom and pour cold water on Junior so settle him down. The problem with this reaction that you might get seen running with the bone sticking out, or you'll wet your pants. The proper reaction should be: crouch a bit in your cubicle, close your eyes, and whisper to yourself, "Grandma, grandma, grandma."

Never do your romantic stunts inside the office. The birds and the bees belong outside. Don't believe what you see in the movies. The part where two people have sex on the elevator, it's never going to happen to you. Just remember this-- Work in the office, fuck on the outside.

Does He Want Sex or Something More?

It's sometimes hard to figure out if he's hanging around for booty or if it's because he's really into you. Apparently flowers, chocolates and meeting your parents aren't enough proof that it's indeed LOVE!

So, assuming all your mental faculties are still working, please do go through the following and try to make some sense with them!

It's just sex if...
...all his charm is used up getting you into bed and afterwards, he can't seem to meet your eyes and barely mumbles a goodbye before bolting.

But it's something more...
...if he's just as comfortable and warm for the post-game show as he is in the pre-game. Extra points if he's interested in making plans right away to do something (that doesn't involve round two).

It's just sex if...
... he doesn't make firm plans in advance to see you. Those 2 a.m. text messages he sends after his Friday night are neither "firm" nor "in advance."

But it's something more...
...if you're going on real, during-daylight-hours dates, planned for ahead of time, while sober.

It's just sex if...
...you've heard mention of various friends and family members, but he's fuzzy on certain details. Like their names.

But it's something more...
...when you've met at least some friends and family members. Once his buds have bonded with you, there's no easy way to untangle himself from your union.

It's just sex if...
...most of your "talking" is limited to the dirty variety. And the clean stuff is usually about superficial stuff like movies, music and how wasted you got last weekend.

But it's something more...
...if he asks you bond-building questions about your life, work, family, and goals. Being able to - and interested in - talking about the Big Issues means he's in it for the long haul.

But women should never be underestimated! We always know when it's just for body heat or for real, who are they fooling? Love or lust, as long as it's an affair worth to remember, then it's probably worth it that moment. Besides, it's the men in our lives that count, it's the life in our men....

How You'll Know It's Love Or Just Sex

If he sends you flowers and chocolates, and agrees to meet your parents, it's got to be love. I know I wouldn't go that far just to get laid. If he constantly checks up on you and seems to call you at almost every hour of every day, it's got to be love.

If he's a virgin and he's 25 years old, regardless of his explanation why, he just wants your body. He was probably pushed and pressured by his friends to get laid already. Fortunately, I didn't have to walk down this road. I was an early bloomer. I was used. Heheh.

If you're both in a long distance relationship, that's true love. Nobody who just wants to get some would torture themselves this way. They may (excuse my french) fuck someone else on the side. We men couldn't help it but give in to that impulse, but if he's still willing to go on with your relationship, he loves you.

In conclusion, what I'm basically saying is men are pigs. Life to us is all about sex, money, and rock and roll. For you women, it's just a matter of convincing the guy that there's more to life than just that. Marketing skills will come in handy.