Making Work Romances Work
"Beware of office romances!" They can warn us until they're blue in the face, and yet still there that special someone is-- so cute, so nice, such chemistry! It could be love of our lives, or at at least the romance of our time. We don't want to say no, we never say no! But are we at grave risk of one day getting fired, sued or both? Sure there are no guarantees, but here are few ways to maxmise chances of enjoying a workplace romance and surviving as I did to tell the tale.
Honesty is still the best policy.
Are you looking for just a quick fling? Then don't make long-term-relationship noises in your efforts to seduce. That candour is may be important, but especially so in the workplace. If you suggest a possible future "I Do", and then after a hot date or two suddenly cool off, and worst start flirting with another officemate, you must be asking for a big reprisals. Always be honest to your prospective partner, remember "Hell hath no fury than that of a woman's (or man's) scorned."
Affair with the Boss? Think Twice...
In most case, having relationship with the bos is strictly forbidden, but even if it is permissible, BEWARE. You might want to get out of it later on and he might retaliate. How? The boss always has an endless opportunites of torturing may start the list and let me end it with you looking for a new job. Now, that is the not so good side of it. But sometimes a relationship with a boss can yield some privileges. Yes, you hear it right! So you decide now, how do you take your steps?
Relationship with Subordinates? Think Well
This is extremely dangerous even if the relationship is working well. You might be off your mental faculties to make your sweetheart take a project which better assigned to someone else. Worst, what if you break up and your former beloved claims that you abused your power? Do I need to tell you more on what could happen after?
Keep It Quiet.
Sure, sure, being in love makes it so tempting to tell everyone about it. Wrong. This makes the two of you under the microscope and subject to some myopic eyes. The pressure is higher when the two of your are peers. Helping the love of you life out with work may cause someone to go to the boss and complain about it because you didn't help them instead. Chemistry between you and your lovers may be known to all but chances are many co-workers are wrapped up with themselves that they will never consider this as a reason. Telling just one person in the office about your relationship will make it known to the whole office within hours. And it only takes one disgruntled co-worker to make both of your lives miserable. Until it's time to send the wedding invitations, keep the relationship to yourselves.
Enjoy and Have Fun
Workplace is a pretty good place to meet a romantic partner. Unlike bars where you get to pick mainly in impulse and alcohol-impaired chat, on the office you get to see more of what the person is really like. So you're more likely to find your valentine at the office water cooler than a barstool.
Just try to stay within these five rules to lessen the risk and then concentrate on getting the fun. Being in love is a wonderful thing, take it from me! I had an office romance and had live to tell the tale. We're still together longer officemates though!
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